Monday, September 3, 2007

Government to Implement Rs50.00 Tax on all Mobile Customers

The GOSL, is hoping to implment a new tax for existing and new customers for to whoever users a mobile, the tax will be implemented as rs50.00 per month as a tax revenue.

Currently the GOSL, charges VAT, and TRC charges, and above this if the charges come towards a standard fee to gain revenues, it wont be withholding, due to customers being downfrowned to use connections

Saturday, August 25, 2007

AirTel Lanka's Launch.

Hello All,

This is the first Post of welcoming Airtel, Now since its Hope to launch within a few months, And this blog is being created to welcome Airtel and to also to get Opinions on how you want Airtel to be, and most importantly will you ditch your current connection since airtel is hoping to offer better services, better customer care and most of all best call rates.

I hope this Blog ill power to get what you think of our 4 networks, which is


We will consider in the later blogs, what sucks about these operators, and why would u want to ditch your connection or keep it!